Choctaw Cultural Center Membership

Annual membership at the Choctaw Cultural Center has its advantages. Not only will members be supporting the preservation of Choctaw culture, they will also receive membership perks.

Select your membership options.

Tvshka (Discounted)

A tvshka is a Choctaw warrior. This membership is designed for Choctaw Tribal Members, senior citizens, veterans, active military, students, and educators who support the Choctaw Cultural Center.


In the Choctaw language, “ikana” means “friend.” This membership is perfect for anyone who considers themselves a friend of the Choctaw Cultural Center.

Chukka Achvffa (Group)

The chukka achvffa, or family, is one of the most important elements of Choctaw culture. For this membership, individuals who live in the same household are included and may take advantage of benefits. (This is limited to 4 kids under 18, and 2 adults.)


Enter the names to include on the membership.

Gift information
Recipient information
Primary member:
Primary member:
Additional member (optional):
Total: $0.00